Sunday, March 06, 2005

Isn't She Lovely?

Everywhere we go, everyone compliments Tiger and her BIG smile. They ask,"Is she always this happy?" That's when we proudly exclaim,"Oh yes! She is always laughing and giggling from the moment she wakes up." Tiger would make anyone want 20 kids. I finally feel complete being a mother. But watching Tiger interact with Gabe brings (happy) tears to my eyes. He is such an amazing dad. Before she was a month old he was teaching her "beef" (balance, elbow, eyes, focus). He is determined that his daughter is going to love the game of basketball. But what makes Gabe even sweeter is that he watches Dr.Phil and talks about what kind of a father he will be when Tiger is going through puberty, and how he will never stop giving her kisses and hugs, and how she will be his girl forever. He talks about how he will instill in her to want our respect. I love how he thinks about the future and doesn't just wing it.

I am determined that she isn't going to be a cheerleader:) What we want most of all is for Tiger to love the Lord, and that she has respect for herself, and that she has dreams that she conquers. Now I know what my mom really meant when she said,"I want the very best for you and for you to be happy."

The love I have for Tiger is beyond words. I can be completely tired from 3-4 hours sleep when she wakes up and smiles and starts the game every morning. I am ok with that. The game is this ~ I will get her out of her crib and bring her into our bed. She will want to eat--then she will try to eat from dad, and she knows she can't. She laughs, we laugh, and then she eats again--she laughs more, and milk comes gurgling out. Then she gets tickled and lifted in the air so she can touch the elk hide on the wall behind our bed. The game varies daily, but the day always consists of morning laughter.

WHO wouldn't want to be a parent?!


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